August 25, 2014

Tried & Tested : They're Real Push-Up Liner

Benefit: They're Real Push Up Liner

Finally we got to sample out Benefit  They're Real Push-up Liner..
In simple words it's a long lasting gel eyeliner that comes in a shape of a pen, and has a sharp edge to draw a perfect line .. Supposedly it makes winged eyeliner a lot easier and it manages to closely hug the lash line for more definition..

جربت واخيرا كحل بينيفت اليديد
باختصار اهوا كحل جل ضد الماي ، شكله كانه قلم و راسه مدبب عشان يرسم خط مضبوط
المفروض انه يرسم خط مرتب بطريقة سهلة و يكون قريب من خط الرموش عشان يحدد العين عدل 

Nora had managed to test it out, she thinks it's quite black, matte, very long lasting and doesn't budge even after long hours .. She also mentioned that it doesn't tend to leave marks on ur upper eyelids during application..

بوست المكياج برعاية نورة ، جربناه وعطتني رايها
تقول انه اسود ومطفي ومايروح بسرعة حتى لو حاطته من الصبح لي بليل ، والحلو فيه انه مايطبع على الجفن 

However, Nora found it a bit tricky to complete the wing as it doesn't glide easily on the lid to do so..
But it might be helpful for a beginner who likes just a subtle line rather than anything exaggerate..

بس حست انه شوي صعب لما بتمد الكحل لي اخر العين لانه قوامه شوي جاف يكون شوي صعب انه تتحكم بكمية الكحل اللي تطلع من القلم ، بس يمكن يكون سهل حق اللي يحبون يحطون خط ناعم وسريع بدون مبالغة

I've also gave it a test drive myself, since I'm such a sucker when it comes to perfecting my wing. I found it a bit hard to control the amount of gel coming of the pen it's either too much or too little which kills the wing halfway . The tip is also made out of rubber which I found a tad bit wide for smaller eyes.
The formula is quite dark and foul proof even my eye make-up remover wasn't enough to clean it later so I suggest something oil based for removal..

انا بعد جربته ، لاني وايد احب الايلاينر السائل واحب امده بزاوية العين . حسيت صعب اتحكم بكمية الجل اللي تطلع من القلم يا اني اضغط عليه ويطلع وايد او انه يطلع شوية وآخر شي يطلع خط الكحل متعرج ومو مضبوط
راس القلم صاير مشطوف نفس زاوية قلم الخط العربي بس هذا من مطاط يطلع شوي عريض مادري مايصلح حق العيون الصغار
بس لون الكحل اسود ومثل ماقلت اول شي مايسيح ولا يتحرك ويحتاج مزيل مكياج قوي 

The eyeliner also comes with it's own remover, I guess it makes sense..
Great experiment so far but we are guessing there's a lot more modification that will come towards this eyeliner..
لاحظت انه الكحل طلع معاه مزيل مكياج اتوقع خوش فكرة لانه صعب ينمسح
حلوة الفكرة بحد ذاتها بس اتوقع محتاج تعديلات وايد بالمستقبل 

So what do you think, did you manage to try it? or would you give it a try?
Buy It ( Here)
شرايكم بهالكحل اذا جربتوه؟ او راح تفكرون تجربونه؟
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