July 18, 2014

Weekly Sugar OD : Marble Cheesecake


Ordering sweets feels like a daily thing now not something to do on a weekly basis, my skinny jeans aren't too happy I'm telling you !
Anyways, Dunno if I mentioned this before but I have a thing for cheesecake especially if it's done right. It's a safe choice I admit but hardly ever I would actually find something rather tasty and fulfilling to hit the spot..
Chocolate is one of my weaknesses so a white chocolate cheesecake with raspberry marble is not something you'd say no to..

Nabalees, happens to be a local business specialized in cheesecakes of all sorts and kinds so I went for the bestselling one according to the very sweet owner. and I wasn't disappointed for one bit..

It's a very simple cheesecake but done with absolute love, a mix of raspberry & white chocolate that tastes divine accompanied by an unsweetened cup of Turkish Coffee just makes it a perfect happy ending..



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