Food for Thought : When Breath Becomes Air
When Breath Becomes Air |
One of the common phrases that we usually use is " Kuwait is small" but after reading this book, the correct phrase would be " The world is small" .
I'm an avid reader and a big fan of " A Cup of Jo " blog, can't start my Sundays before pouring through it and flooding my Snapachat followers with screenshots . My great surprise was finding out that the Author was Joanna late brother in law.
The young neurosurgeon who was about to graduate came to a grave discovery, once he got diagnosed with lung cancer. Can't deny it's a sad book but beautifully written that I didn't want to put it down. However, it sometimes felt a bit heavy in regards with medical terms which I'm rather unfamiliar with.
Religiously speaking, we see that if God loves you he usually cleans you from your past sins with sickness . A blessing in disguise to say the least.
المصطلح الدارج اهوا " الكويت صغيرة" بس لما قريت هالكتاب حسيت انه العالم صغير مو بس ديرتنا . انا اتابع بشكل مستمر البلوجر الامريكية " جوانا " ولما شريت هالكتاب بسفرتي الاخيرة بعدين اكتشفت انه مرت الكاتب اهيا اختها التوام . القصة تتكلم عن الجراح " بول" ومعاناته بعد تشخيصه انه مريض بسرطان الرئة قبل لايتخرج من تخصصه . اسلوب الكاتب جدا مشوق بس شوي حسيتني ضايعة لانه يتكلم بوايد مصطلحات طبية يصعب علي فهمها
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