August 24, 2011

Stole My Heart Away !

As I mentioned in a previous post about lil' thief collection by Reem Dashti, her display took place at Villa Mini Boutiques, Adeliya !
I was taken away by the amazing display, tree branches & bird cages and splendid handmade necklaces, brooches & bangles in addition to ready made quirky rings!

Check  out the rings display I got myself an armour ring that I couldn't resist !

Isn't that ring simillar to Meblogging ring ?

B is for Babushka !
Her collection was aimed to please all tastes, wether soft colors or bold statement palletes with hand painted accurasy & un expected materials !

Such a pretty choker with cameo details which can be worn as a brooche by itself as well !

Check out those funky wings with a scarf like tie at the back to hold it in place quite unexpected eh?

Pretty brooches with tiny immaculate details, the tiny cup and the shiny clock very Alice in WonderLand <3

The lovely No3ik, who I fortunetly stumpled upon in the exhibition !
Modeling for this one of a kind necklace featuring crystal embellished birdie & a tiny bird cage, how cute is that?
Thanx alot sweety for posing for me and tolerating my endless shots <3

Another favourite of mind this crochet bib necklace with tiny detailed embellishments check out the scissors cameo in the middle ? Quite quirky I must say !

& Finally my purchase, the minute I saw it I knew I must have it ?
Pale turqoise bib necklace with pearls embroidery, a birdie, flower corsage & a pretty ribbon tied at the back how can you resist such thing?
I didn't take pictures of the armour ring though , but You'll definetly see it in future outfit posts for sure !

Good Luck Reemy , such a down to earth person and a phenomenal designer !
You still have three more days to visit the "Lil' thief", the exhibiton is still going till  Friday !
I might pay them  another visit avec Her <3



  1. In love with the cameo necklace! What's the price range if I may ask?

  2. Love the one u got 3alaich bil 3afya !!
    I got a necklace from them from last yrs P2BK I absolutely love it ... But I've been looking around for a bib necklace for sometime but can't visit this weekend at all ;/

  3. Confashion:
    Hey there, the price range is from 35 to 100 kd for the necklaces and brooches
    Not sure about the rings & earings though, will let you know once I get a reply from Reem ;)

  4. Thank you so much for the post! Glad you liked the collection and being a loyal fan <3 stay tuned for coming hearty stuff <3


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